Engineering Storytelling.
Sometimes just taking a pic of the site is not enough to tell the whole story,
getting your message across takes an understanding of the whole picture.
Creating using heavy kit
Scale often means shrinking the human aspect in the frame
Use foreground as a frame
Use light colour to emphasis the point
Get low in the shot to give the viewer perspective
Add grit to the editorial space
See the structure from the inside
Give purpose to what you cannot see
Tight framing allows social crop options
Giving the viewer the whole picture
Use backlight to deepen the frame
Editorial space is important
Curiosity brings the viewer in
Allowing the eye to follow the path
Panoramas give gravity to scale
Abstraction lets the story be told over the image
Feel like you are in on the conversation
Find the right angle to gain interest
If anonymity is par for the course...
Make perspective part of the frame
Setting focus the side allows for space
Show tools at work not at rest
Make night shoots part of the image
Utilise vehicle lighting to add realism
Frame your company as oversight in the image
Long lens compression tightens a story frame
Make sure you stand out from the crowd
Work from inside the job itself
Give a sense of being at the right moment in time.